Join CDC Today

Discover membership benefits and commitment details. Fill out the form to become a member.

Benefits of Membership
  • Be seen as a key CDC partner that supports our community and education of our students

  • Ability to participate on committees that enhance our programming and scholarship opportunities

  • Can vote for or be nominated for leadership / officer roles in CDC

  • Have enhanced access to community partners, city officials, and education leaders

  • Additional networking opportunities and the opportunity to meet driven and passionate community advocates

Who can be a member?
  • Any adult age 18 years or older can become a member of Concerned DeSoto Citizens (actual residence in DeSoto is not required)

How to become a member
  • Complete a membership application (this only has to be done once)

  • Pay the annual membership fee of just $60 per household

a blue tote bag sitting on top of a table
a blue tote bag sitting on top of a table

For existing members, pay the annual dues here.

Payment may also be mailed with check or money order made payable to CDC to the address below:


P. O. Box 371

DeSoto, TX 75123